Just finished watching the first episode and I really enjoyed it. I especially liked seeing the journey of returning back home from a different point of view.
It felt like it had not ended. I like seeing the same bit characters as well as the main caste. Seems more grounded (I love that they showed the Adoma world view) for each character.
Really enjoyed this episode and excited for the new season! Adoma's character was harsh but she did bring some valid points about what is the "true experience" of Ghana lol. But I loved how Nana Yaw voiced her frustrations about trying to be as African as possible and still failing someone's expectations. Being Nigerian but born in America AND with an American last name...it gets very discouraging when other Africans can think they can define how African I am. smh....again amazing show and I'm excited for the next episode!
I enjoyed this first episode of season 2 and really appreciated 27 mins versus 14 mins. It really allowed for all stories to 'land', even though I wouldn't have minded shorter episodes because we had a whole free first season. I think I would totally vibe with Adoma. I am more the 'waakye joint' 'banku joint' kind of girl when im in Ghana so Adoma, if you ever read this, lets hook up next time I come to Kumasi !! The resounding message that noone can define your cultural identity because we experience it in different ways so we should embrace everyone and anyone making the effort celebrate the culture. That Kelewele trick is safely tucked in my back pocket hahaha came just in time for Valentines day.
I loved that in this episode they explored what it really means to navigate being the non sterotypical african. I think I'm going to buy this season for my best friend - we would be able to relate so well because people are always trying to impose their ridiculous idea of what a Namibian Black woman is on us because we don't fit their stereotypical idea of what we should be. I could relate totally and loved that they emphasized understanding and tolerance. It is worth it to pay for what they are doing - challenging limiting stereotypes of whom the world is insisting we should be as Black women when these women really do exist among some of us...
Debora I lived in the states for two years and had an African American friend who said she was always judged by us for being so and that saddened me. You are as African as you want to be. You are American Nigerian and have no reason not to be. Culture is not as simple as it once was. I'm of East African origin but have lived in Southern Africa most of my life.
This first episode has me excited! I enjoyed last season and cannot wait to have conversations about this season. I'm African American married to a Ghanaian, and we travel to Ghana yearly. I am in love with Ghana and the culture!
I'm ecstatic that Season 2 has started and look forward to seeing the characters and story lines develop. As a black American who's only been to Ghana once, I'm enjoying reliving the culture, fashion, and lifestyle. It's great seeing beautiful black women living life on their terms. This show is an inspiration to continental and diasporan Africans alike.
finally. i really apprecaite the different view points on returning home. I can't to see how each charater develops throughout the season.
I really enjoyed this first episode. The addition of Adoma to the storyline brought something really special to the plot. Great show.
I just completed my purchase. To say I'm excited is an understatement!!! I love to see beautiful, intelligent, progressive women. Season 1 inspired me so much. I will update once I watch Episode 1 :) Hey ladies!!!